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Being compostable, our pen, it degrades at the same time as the substance, transforming itself in fertilizer.


Our pen, 95% being compostable, favors the growth of the plant. 

The pen contains a Cypress seed, that you will be able to plan once you run out of ink. 

If you are reading this you are concerned about the climate change or maybe we caught up your attention.


Do you own a pen? Probably the answer is yes.

Did you know that the ink of your pen pollutes our planet? Probably the answer is no.

Did you know that the most polluting ink color is green? Probably you didn’t know that either.

That’s why we created a GROWINK, a biodegradable pen that has 2 principal objectives: reducing deforestation and the quantity of waste on earth.


If you are wondering… HOW? Simple: the material of our pen is made out of a 95% compostable material. But there is an extra! The pen contains a seed that later, when you run out of ink, you can grow!

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